Of course, they will be crying for a very long time.
Fool yourself that they will. These people have a vested agenda and they are determined to have their way. They know that the single white female and the black voting blocs will be too tough for them to crack, so will focus on the Hispanic segment. They already have seen some successes from that bloc once it perceives that the GOP arent hostile.
This election broke out virtually 50:50, with a two % here and a two % there. So it will only need a slight shift in votes for either side to get what they want.
In fact even in FL its known that Puerto Ricans are more conservative than those in NY, and this group will be targeted next time. They have on occasion supported GOP candidates, most recently Rubio. So dont think that a segment cant be sliced off. THey have been known to support GOP leaning candidates in Puerto Rico, and some might be enticed by a center right GOP.
Get to know that name Rubio, because you will be hearing far more from him soon while he slowly and silently makes that move to the center right that Romney tried to do in one debate I am willing to bet that he will spearhead GOP moves to obtain immigration reform, which they now claim that they are ready to talk about.
Do you know that there are more GOP minority governors that Democratic minority governors? A center right GOP will ensure that people know this....that is if the GOP moves center right and that we will see over the next 12 months or so.