Kari when all those black graduate they are more likely to face unemployment, more likely to be crushed by student loans, and more likely to face long term unemployment and as a result 10% bof the blacks who used to own homes no longer do. This because of inbuilt institutinal biases against them.
Indeed the very "whiteness" Of Obama's closest advisers suggests that he too "cant find qualified blacks" the oft repeated lament from supposedly liberal whites when looking for people to hire. Let us see how many qualified Hispanics he finds as he seeks to ensure that the Democratic party maintains its 70% support from this group.
There have been enough surveys which show that a black male with acollege degree earns the same as a white male with only high cshool educational. And that a black man with NO criminal record earns the same as a white man with a criminal record.
But you dont think that these facts matter. And you do not lament the fact that even with the First Black President, these facts are as much the truth as they were before he arrived. And you think that any who pint this out should be accused of "demanding entitlements for this shiftless negroes". Oh how similar are your arguments and rev Als on this topic.
Tell you what Kari, the next Democratic candidate will not be a "brother". So they will be no conflict about whether the blacks should or should not support the "brother". If the white man doesnt perform they stay home. Clinton performed and so was rewarded, qnd this was transferred to Gore who emnjoyed very high black turn outs and won the popular vote, even if FL was stolen from him. Kerry didnt appeal and so lost.