CaribJ feels that Obama has done nothing for Blacks.
So what has he done for blacks? Consider that it is the strong turn out that helped himj out TWICE, and without this he would have lost VA, PA, OH and FL. Why should blacks vote for a party which they think does nothing for them, while it battles to pander to women, Hispanics and gays?
Is it not funny that you think that the only people who should support the party whether or not it supports their interests are blacks?
Would you expect women to support the democrats if that party did nothing to advocate for their equality, or for their sexual/birth contraol privacy? Would you expect Hispanics to suuport the Democrats if it did nothing about immigration reform? NO!!!
But when blacks say that their interests should also be offered in exchange for their votes it suddenly becomes entitlement?
tell you what Kari. The next two years we will see both the Democrats and the GOP battling to get the Hispanic vote. They will pretend to attend to the interests which they think are important to Hispanics.
Note that even though the Democrats need the black vote MORE than they do the Hispanic vote (25% of their votes, vs 15% for the Hispanics) blacks will continue to be ignored...and Obama will do nothing about this fact.
Kari. Is it because lurking in your little head you carry the same attitudes about blacks that Rev Al does? So you feel comfortable about every group exchanging their votes for attention to their issues, but think that when blacks behave the same that is some form of laziness.
Kari a certain man talked about 47%. You have the same attitrude about 25% of the democratic voters.
Obama cannot perform magic for anyone. His Social engineering agenda regarding housing and Obamacare will benefit the people at the lower economic ladder and as such Blacks will benefit with anyone else falling in that group. The other area is affordable education which will benefit the same group. There are limits on what he could do, you have to see what he is doing and try to capitalize for your benefit rather than complaining.
The greatest thing Obama could have done was to get this economy moving, which he has not, and as such blacks suffer. Caribj, with all what LFSB did for blacks in Guyana, you complain he did not do enough. So there is nothing Obama can do, even if he rule for 20 years, which will satisfy your need for "something getting done".