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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Funny that6 you dont ask Indians in Guyana to look past race.

Of course, they should, but never forget what the PNC did.  It's not Afros, it's the PNC they don't want.  Unfortunately, 95% of the PNC are Afros.

do you know that they same time that Burnham was oppressing Indians, according to you, the Mormons were excluding blacks, as recently as the mid 70s?


So why must blacks forget about the fact that Romney was perfectly happy with an all white church?


This speaks to the fact that Romney is not really bothered about whether all Americans have equal access to opportunity or not. An all white, all male environment in a society where 2/3 do not fit this criteria, does not bother him. He then whines when he lost. 



But why the shock when his entire message was aimed at stimulating teh white male vote by playing the race and gender card.


Even now he claims his loss is due to indolent white youths, females and minorities who just want to live off the govt.  Rather stupid given that these groups account for maybe 75% of the voters!!!







As usual you have different rules for blacks than you do for Indians.
