Circumstances are very different. Romney cannot roll back time even if he wanted to.
Romney is now showing his true racist colors. He is calling the blacks and Hispanics who voted for Obama a bunch of lazy free loaders who just want to live off the govt. He didnt say that maybe he didnt listen to them, didnt show inclusion within those who surrounded him, and therefore didnt earn their trust.
So it appears as if we do not have to go back too far to see that Romney just has no respect for any one whose skin is darker than his.
So baseman I do not have to go back to 1978 to wonder about Romney. I need only go back to a few days ago, and then note that he was raised in an environment where blacks are scorned.
Now seriously. Who are the blacks around Romney? Does he know any blacks who will be part of his administration? Or does he have to go to the NAACP to get a binder?
Given his utterances what assurances do we have that he will be fair? If the economy grows but racists keep us out why should we care that it is growing?
Sorry baseman but nothing that Romney says or does assures me that he is not acloset racist. After all I still remember that his family used to vacation in a place called Ni99er Head. Again no protest from him.