Gilbakka posted:Farewell, Fidel. You did plenty good but some bad things too. I understand; to err is human.
Fidel, I swear on your cremated ashes: When da fella baseman kick de fúcking bucket me go laff me bellyful like skúnt.
There is a time and place for everything. I say no more.
Exactly why you so peeved? I see Cubans singing and dancing in Florida. I don't go that far. I only say he was not a hero to many in his country. And funny, allyuh Guyanese Socialist wash-up flotsams honoring the memory of this dictator when the refugees from this man are celebrating!
May he RIP!
Why don't you attack Mars whose simple statement "Good Riddance" says more than anything I wrote!
Alyuh funny, Trump rising, Hillary crash and burn, now Castro kaput....rass alyuh Socialists having a rough patch!