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Reply to "RIP Fidel"

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

These wannabe Commie clowns from Guyana fled from a brutal dictatorship in their own country and now praising another dead dictator from the sanctity of their homes in the West. Oh the irony of it all.


you clearly do not understand Castro's legacy, good or bad, and the influence he had on Guyanese politics. 

There are still many who continue to praise Burnham and Cheddi, both of whom were close friends.

If it wasnt for them Cuban doctors who helped out in Guyana during the Burnham years, and the scholarships Guyanese received, you would be singing a different tune.

Castro's legacy will be read by many politicians...he was in many ways a pawn of the Cold War.

You must be a special kind of stupid, Numpty, to flee from one dictator and now worshiping one of the longest serving, most brutal dictators in the history of mankind. The Kool Aid must have overwhelmed you Commie Fools. Why didn't you run to Cuba or North Korea if Communism was so great.


If the man lived this long you cant find anything positive that he did for the Cuban people?. He had almost 100% literacy rate and he was helpful to the Guyanese people, especially when the Burnham dictatorship imposed his iron fist on the Guyanese people. Even as a dictator, Burnham was a nationalist (a good thing), though his evil outdid his good deeds.

Yes, he was a dictator, whose regime lasted more than it should, but he was a victim of Cold War politics. 

The only cool aid drinking pepole here is the likes of folks like you who fall in line with the anti-Castro crowd...the man is still revered in his country. 

We are not defending a dictatorship...
