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Reply to "RIP Fidel"


you clearly do not understand Castro's legacy, good or bad, and the influence he had on Guyanese politics. There are still many who continue to praise Burnham and Cheddi, both of whom were close friends.

There is no "or bad" here. It was bad. It emerged in the acceptance of Marxist praxis; the fundamental idea of work being the only agency of value and that workers will by historical inevitability overwhelmingly take over the means and modes of production and all will be merry just because a big jefe and his band of parasites situated in a "vanguard party" say so.

On every level of its fundamental assumptions, Marxism is grossly wrong.Everywhere a Marxist state emerged, it was on the backs of poor people and organize itself by constituting of a dictatorship. Everywhere it existed it was met with great depravities and lack of every essentials because its credo, "each according to his ability, each according to his need" is a bunch of bunk.

Peoples needs were replaced by the will of oppressive dictators who shaped everything and if indeed there was ability; artists, musicians, writers, thinker of all sorts; those talents emerged to be violations for long prison sentences if not death sentences resulted. With Fidel, all of that was realty.

In Guyana where our experience was not even half that of the Cuban people the jaundiced lot here still complain bitterly at the black man's disease while missing completely the diseased philosophy embraced by a coolie and then later a black.

Last edited by Former Member