Gilbakka posted:Farewell, Fidel. You did plenty good but some bad things too. I understand; to err is human.
Fidel, I swear on your cremated ashes: When da fella baseman kick de fúcking bucket me go laff me bellyful like skúnt.
There is a time and place for everything. I say no more.
No for a funeral. He has been long dead. He is just restructured as a trump zombie. It is a pernicious viral infection to which the dumb and the ignorant and those not taking seriously to learning is apt to be afflicted with on hearing the yellow haired orangutan and his band of necromancers. It is as the the lure of biblical milk and honey in paradise knowing fulll well that shit would kill you> It is no different from those strapping on explosive vests on the promise of an ample share virgins. The weak always fall for the okie doke.