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Reply to "Rohee announces… New anti-narcotics strategy master plan being drafted"

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Look, let's not beat about the bush. This new strategy plan is being drafted in order to reduce the number of drugs interceptions by the police.

There has been a good response by the police lately as far as thwarting the drugs smugglers are concerned. This is obviously putting a massive dent in the finances of the PPP. They cannot after all blame the PNC and AFC for the success in the fight against drugs smuggling. That would be like shooting the PPP regime in the foot. So other ways are being developed that would put the police back in its fight against the PPP drugs barons. In case you wonder why the PPP would wish to undermine the police, the facts are out there. The police has long been seen by the PPP regime as a support base of the PNC. Every time a PPP high flyer get put under pressure by the police you hear it is the PNC that is giving the order. When the police do a massive drugs bust you hear whispers of a PNC attempt to play dirty with the PPP.


But you never see a Guyanese minister standing proudly next to the drugs haul shaking the hands of the police officers who did the bust. Thieves never thank the police for catching them.  

DEA with all their mouth only stops 15% of heroin and 25% of cocaine traffick into USA . Allow me to educate you. The only way to have a 90% or more effect is for nations of concern to create a joint military op to go into the source and take them out while at home dealers and users are arrested and put to do hard labor which means new legislation. A Govt has to be very acid about rooting drugs from it's system . They need to create seek & destroy missions based on reliable intel .

Isn't that what the joint Columbians/US did in Columbia?  And the drug trade goes on, unabated.  Isn't that what the US Military did in Afganistan, where are we with that?


Guyana is 90% uninhabited with porous borders and lots of hiding places so you are asking the GoG to accomplish what the great USA cannot.

The US Govt was on a solo mission in a country where drugs was the sole industry , there were no other countries in the region on their side . All South American Govts have to create an anti drug war pact to be effective. Look at Suriname , the new top dog was the biggest drug trafficker and still is .
