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Reply to "Samantha Fedee and Ida Sealy-Adams are victims of political overreach"

@Ramakant-P posted:

The Democratic party will continue as the Obama Administration did.  Nothing will change.  That party is responsible for the defeat of the PPP in 1964 and again in 2015.

The PPP is not a Marxist/Leninist party anymore. They are more progressive than ever.  If you cannot see what the PPP did in the first 100 days of Ali's rule then you are very pathetic.  The PNC/R will never win another election for a long time.   It is not the afros who are denouncing the PPP as a racist party which they are not. It is a token coolies like you who are doing it. The afros are quiet because their lives have changed for the better.  My arguments are not stupid, they are very constructive.

Then you need to listen carefully to the words of Harmon, Granger and others and check out social media.

"Token coolies"? I am not working for the PNC. This is more than I can say for idiots like yourself who keep drinking the cool aid without critically assessing what is going on in Guyana.

This editorial was written by SN, a national newspaper which stood for democracy for the 5 months...all of a sudden they are now wrong?

Last edited by VishMahabir