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Reply to "Samantha Fedee and Ida Sealy-Adams are victims of political overreach"

@Ramakant-P posted:

I disagree with you.  The PNC did nothing in 5 years of rule in which they stole all the money and did nothing to show that they should be reelected to office.  We cannot keep inept performers in the government, it would insane to think so. Then they tried to steal the election.

The PPP/c Is actually carrying out my policies. Deal with it. I am the PPP.

Well let me put it to you this way...things are going to change with the Trump admin gone. The new US govt is going to be sympathetic to Afros and so far YOUR PPP has allowed the opposition to make a pretty good case that the PPP is a racist government....and Guyanese will VOTE LIKE A BOSS  as they did in 2015.

Now, come 2025, if the coalition wins, I do hope that they go after you because they will come back with a vengeance, much like the PPP today, and they will make the same stupid arguments that YOU are making.
