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Reply to "Samantha Fedee and Ida Sealy-Adams are victims of political overreach"

@VishMahabir posted:

Then you need to listen carefully to the words of Harmon, Granger and others and check out social media.

"Token coolies"? I am not working for the PNC. This is more than I can say for idiots like yourself who keep drinking the cool aid without critically assessing what is going on in Guyana.

This editorial was written by SN, a national newspaper which stood for democracy for the 5 months...all of a sudden they are now wrong?

Why would I listen Harman and Granger.  What is going on in Guyana is that the PPP is busy with their progressive agenda.  They are clearing the swamp.  Using words like "idiots like, drinking cool-aid, critically assessing", does not say much for an intellectual like you. Shouting it loud, does not make it right. I would never call you an idiot for airing your constructive views.
