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Reply to "Scrapping Jagdeo Hydro Seed Project was the right thing.....IDB agree with AFC-APNU"

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by ian:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Jagdeo must be counting his loss, for not getting a cut.

And Why you believe you are an angel  

You sound like my friend's ex-wife, who could read minds.


Jagdeo and his gang are corrupt and rotten to the core.

IF...IF...IF...he ever get back in power and that's a big IF,  his first action will be to build two more mansions on the backs of the poor, while most in Guyana struggle to survive. Go ask your friend Mutt and Jeff.

You are a very stupid person.  Why don't you tell us about the reason for scrapping the Hydro project other than it is not viable?

“We have never seen the Kaieteur Falls bone dry

but we have seen the Amaila Falls bone dry,”

according to President Granger.


This Unity Government cannot build a hydro project on their own initiatives. 

Rama....Besides thiefing....

who would want to build a Hydro

where the river run ....BONE DRY.....

what type of initative is that.



The PNC scrapped two of them already during their last run.

RAMA....So Jagdeo think he could

Waste(Thief) US$1 Billion

because PNC Mismanage Guyana in the past.



You are so hateful of the PPP that you cannot see that it is the PNC who is now responsible for all the debts of the last Government as the PPP was responsible for Burnham's debt.

Rama this is not PNC Govt

Granger and Moses not.... Burnham and Reid.



Please correct me if I am incorrect. Key to some of these projects is the building of the dam, the purpose of which is to provide height of water so it can go through and turn the generator, and to have enough water throughout the year. There are many such dams in Alberta and British Columbia. Granger's statement is all about narrative. You expect me to believe that they did not know much about the Project? Well, the Guyanese population must be more knowledge about the project than they are and maybe points to them not being ready for the major league.


By by the way, several years ago, the water over the  kaieteur falls was reduced to a trickle. 

In BC and Alberta they have mountains of snow run-off and water accumulation in reservoirs to keep the turbines operating.

BC presently is constructing a Site C dam, that require flooding large areas and displacing hundreds of First Nations People. This issue is presently in the courts.


What plan does the Guyana projects have to reserve water, when the river is dry and during dry seasons ?  Does the project become a white elephant ? 


 Let us forget about Jagdeo and Donald for a minute and just discuss the technical aspects. I am not an expert but I believe that the in the area chosen, the amount of water behind a dam will be enough to supply water in drier periods. In Parts of Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, there are hydro projects that depended on water from the rivers on the generally flat plain,  not in mountainous gorges. The situation with the james Bay Cree is a prime example of the issue of the rights of First Nations versus  the infrastructure thrusts of Governments. So is the situation in Brazil and other countries.


we know there are issues regarding the funding, the costs of the project, the ownership structure, the environment, the cost at which power will be produced. If I remember, the IDB was in favour of the project so I am surprised if they are now saying that the project in not a good one. (If that is true) The government needs to give us a coherent and detailed explanation of why the project is a bad one or a good one, a really detailed cost benefit analysis dealing with the monetary issues, then an identification of and their position regarding some of the non financial issues. Put it on the table. Let us discuss it on the basis of its merits or lack of, away from the polemics. We know that there will be costs and at some point a decision has to be made. They must be up front on the basis of the decision they make.


we will always have this debate about corruption and thieves but we need to move ahead. If things are done properly, then we will mute some of these comments and can truly say that what is decided is for the benefit of all Guyanese, not a select few.


DG is an expert in this area so he might be more informed about the technical aspects of the issue.



