Oh Lord....Here is an old reminder of why the Coalition should not gain office. The tide of its victory will wash in the mud crabs like Rickford.
seriously . . . you think this is all about Rickford Burke and his crew?
people like you remind me of right wing talk radio turning every civil rights issue into a referendum on the credibility of Al Sharpton
what really is your motivation here sir?
I do not think this is all about Rickford Burke and his crew.
Let's be frank Rickford Burke and his crew will get to roam the corridors of State House once again.
David Granger is not the only one in APNU. It includes cretins like Rickford.
I'm not a party loyalist, I just calls em as I sees em. It wouldn't be the worst idea for someone to pull Rickford aside and tell him to shut the hell up and quit reminding liberal Indians and Indians on the fence why we don't like the PNC. I think the Coalition has won all the "I hate coolie people" votes out there without his help.
you are avoiding the substance of my post
no one ever called you a party loyalalist!
Look Dude,
My motivation is to point out my personal reaction to seeing this. That's it. There is no agenda, hidden or otherwise.
I find your attempt to draw a line between me and Rush Limbaugh rubbishing the Voting Rights act or police brutality (or something to that effect) to be very very disingenuous.
I am pointing out a fact. A Coalition win (while still being desirable overall) will still have very undesirable consequences. Like Rickford getting a second lease on life and relevancy.
exactly how am i being "disingenuous" by pairing your use of Rickford Burke here and, say, Rush Limbaugh's take on Al Sharpton in the corridors of City Hall and the White House?
is this not your statement?:
"Here is an old reminder of why the Coalition should not gain office. The tide of its victory will wash in the mud crabs like Rickford."
I stand behind those highlighted remarks. It is an argument against the Coalition. It is not however a compelling argument. And I'm sure the PPP will use it against Diaspora Guyanese Indians who support the Coalition. I don't know any Diaspora Guyanese Indian enamored with Rickford.
Lots of politicians and candidates have to associate with slimeballs in the electoral arena.
fair enough . . . except that it is not simply "an" argument, it is 'your' argument against the coalition
that is a distinction making a great deal of difference, no?
how was i being "disingenuous" again?