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Reply to "Serious Question"

Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
It is black man food though just as blacks learned how to cook curry chicken and some even roti some Indians also learned creole and Chinese Guyanese dishes.

This is questionable, as rice is traditionally an Asian food. Unless you are referring to cookup minus the rice. 

It looks like abie Indo foreparents borrowed the cook up from our Afro Brothers and added rice to it. 

Yuji, the Afro families also 'borrowed' many Indian dishes.

I have Afro friends here from Linden, whom make the best dhall and rice with shrimp/okro side dish.  

That’s what make Guyanese the MOST unique people in the world. Burnham and Cheddi split is up politically. Other than that we fine. 

We does argue and fight but I Never allow anyone to eye pass my Guyanese Brothers and Sisters. 

Last edited by Former Member