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Reply to "Serious Question"

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact Africa rice came much later:

Rice in Africa

A third domestication/hybridization appears to have happened during the African Iron Age in the Niger delta region of west Africa, by which Oryza sativa was crossed with O. barthii to produce O. glaberrima. The earliest ceramic impressions of rice grains date from between 1800 to 800 BCE in the side of Ganjigana, in northeast Nigeria. documented domesticated O. glaberrima has first been identified at Jenne-Jeno in Mali, dated between 300 BCE and 200 BCE. French plant geneticist Philippe Cubry and colleagues suggest that the domestication process may have been begun about 3,200 years ago when the Sahara was expanding and making the wild form of rice harder to find.



Daily you display your stupidity.  So lost in your racist hatred of blacks that you confuse yourself.

The topic was whether cook up rice was "black man food".  You in fact proved that Africans were growing rice LONG before they arrived in the Americas so were perfectly capable of creating cook up rice.

Now run along and scream that "Irish Potato" doesn't exist and the Irish know nothing of it.  This because the original potatoes came from  Peru and were brought to Europe by the Spanish.   Yes no French Fries either!

Cookup rice is not a creation but an accident of necessity. All left overs from the plantation owners thrown into a pot. Go learn your history and find out the origins of souse, black puddings etc, all the main ingredients thrown out by the white masters. Blood, innards, cow foot, cow ears, cow tongue etc. 

You cannot cook by accident. Cooking is a creative art or people would not eat it. Simply throwing things together and hope they turn out right is the kind of nonsense that can only come from you. All cooks start with a base and build up on it. Cookup has a base and some standard or ingredients.It took creativity to make what was not considered prime cuts into palatable cuisine. 

Black pudding is a sausage and may be of European. Cow tongue and feet are also heavily used in European cuisine. Amerindians never had cows or pigs and their toma pot which is the progenitor of Pepper pot was not made with cows feet or pigs ears etc. That has to be a utilization that came from coastlanders. Obviously Indians do not care for cows and Muslims pigs so the insight has to be African cooks. 

Foolish man.


As it turns out, some of the tastiest foods were born out of a similarly magical confluence of laziness, resourcefulness, and luck—or simply because someone, somewhere, f**ked something up. From chocolate chip cookies to beer, humans throughout history have often created foods and beverages far more delicious than anything they set out to make.

So, next time you’re cooking and accidentally screw up the recipe, embrace the failure and see where it takes you. If you read through these examples of accidental tastiness, you’ll see that history is on your side

There is a difference between what you are affirming and what are lucky accidents as to yogurt, cheeze or fermented drinks etc. But once these accidents were discovered it took creativity to produce the vast diversity of these products. Beer takes a particular mix of ingredients over a set time to produce. Even gingerbeer needs at least three days and cannot get started without a live culture of yeasts and appropriate amounts of sugar. 

Cookup come in many varieties as there are cooks in Guyana. We are only now into the standardization process as professional cooks organize the structure and production of foods for commercial outlets. 

I do not make mistakes these days since any cook will tell up that the desired product is often a reproduction according to a tradition. I am not a chef so I leave the experimentation to create new dishes  to them  


Those are not his words, trying to be impressive.

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