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Reply to "Serious Question"

Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

There is so much positive aspects but people (like Caribj☹️) just dwell of the negatives. 

Suh people like Yugli, Skelly, KP, "Dave", Nehru, Drugb and other Indian RACISTS dwelling pon "positives" hay????? Some of dese people know NOTHING about Guyana outside of their Indian existence and Indian food. 

Carib is a true Guyanese. Notice the man's wide knowledge about we language, history, culture, foods, and suh on. Yuh friends above care only about things INDIAN! Nothing wrong with that, but they have ZERO interest or appreciation for those around them. These idiots and their supremacist ideology believe that Indian is best and everything and everyone else is shit. Dat ain't "positive" where I come from.

Y'all doan like Carib because he points out the racist, Hindutva supremacist shit.

Nah, me like Cribby.  He’s a good banna!
