Django posted:Tola posted:caribny posted:Also dasheen (both the root and the bush) and breadfruit were brought in from the Pacific to provide additional locally grown food sources for the enslaved peoples in the Americas. I doubt that many Guyanese know this.
Thanks CARIB, I have not heard the word dasheen for decades. Our mother used to prepare it for us.
Bhai, you stirring a lot of emotions hea and I am not a young kid.
Do you ever had young tanya leaves chopped up and cooked with coconut milk, that's the best.
I prefer tanya and eddoes any day before Irish potatoes, don't get them here.
Tania baji is de bess wid coconut milk and lil fresh wata shrimp like dem catchman shrimp. Dem man doan even gat that now in GY. Dem doers like Baseman and Yuji and Rev boast bout replace all de bandin with fertilizer. Dem Basemanite, Yujiite/Revite doers kill all de fresh shrimp and givin dem peoppkle cancer now. Hustlers, pushers, hucksters run de Guysuco and f it up. Dem man gat nuff nuff road sense...hey hey Jagdoe bai Raj Sing. Hey hey hey...