yuji22 posted:Tola posted:cain posted:I never took off my snows..I did a bit of work on the car so it was hardly driven. Other vehicles here I can use if needed.
Snow tires [not all-season] are mandatory in some provinces. Studs are discouraged, due to the damage it does to the road.
The police here photograph tires in an accident and mixing tires are not allowed.
Both Costco and Canadian Tire have only one make of snow tires for studs, because tire companies don't make them any more.
You car might be rated for the antique car show. Is it older than you.
Snow Tires work very well especially at temperatures below 7 degrees Celsius. Don’t leave home without them.
Snow tiers are like flu shots, some take them and some don’t.
Tola is correct about it being mandatory in some Provinces. I think it is mandatory in Quebec, I could be wrong on this.
How is the Spyder working? Think you had posted abt it here some time ago.