Iguana posted:Mars posted:Django posted:Leonora posted:I never knew what was Pepperpot until I saw it mentioned on GNI few years ago. My villagers never cooked it because we felt it was sacrilegious to mix up meats!
That's Amerindian dish.The other population copied and made their own concoction.
Souse and black pudding are African and of course other dishes.
Black pudding is European. There are variations of blood pudding in many European countries. I think we got the Scottish version in Guyana. Not sure where souse originated.
Correct. Spaniards call it Morcilla. I think souse has european origins too.
What the hell is souse?
Gilbakka posted:Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was an India-born English writer. Many of his stories are set in India during the British Raj. In these stories there are British soldiers that include Scotsmen. Kipling captures their speech well in the characters' dialogues. And that gave me an insight into Guyana creolese origins.
Many overseers in the Guyana plantations were Scotsmen who didn't speak standard English. Slaves and indentured labourers listened to those Scotsmen and copied their pronunciations.
Here is a sample which I've taken from Kipling's Indian tales: "at wan gulp" for "at one gulp"/ "av" for "of"/ "bleddy" for "bloody"/ "wid" for "with"/ "conduck" for "conduct"/ "bekaze" for "because"/ "meself" for "myself"/ "will larn you a lesson" for "will teach you a lesson", etc.