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Reply to "Serious Question"

Baseman posted:
ball posted:

Mi amigo fram St. Kitts does mek kankee wid sweet potatoes, and as for the origin of black cake, rum cake or fruit cake, I was told that it is of British origin, the names of some foods may differ from region to region for eg. cookup is also called all in one.  Guyana is rather a complex place rich with diversity too bad the people, do not embrace the rich and diverse cultures with an open mind.  A sad state of affairs... <((><    

Is funny you say that.  My son had some Guyanese food and asked how come it’s not more international. He thought it was some in the best.

There is so much positive aspects but people (like Caribj☹️) just dwell of the negatives. 

Guyanese food is fusion food....Indian African European. It is not "more international" because the science of food where trained chefs can break down what constitute the cuisine into its essential building blocks is seil in its nascent phase. The first generation of Guyanese chefs who are trained in food science are currently emerging. Foods only are of commercial value if there can be consistency in creation so ingredients can be cost out and cooking time determined as basic fabricating steps are detailed. Cooking in a kitchen for ones family  is not easily translated to commercial success.  
