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Reply to "Sessions fired!"

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The new temp AG was a football jock from Iowa. He might fade when he is being schooled by Mueller. He will be no match for Mueller. He will run to papa Trump for rescue.

Watch how this cat will be skinned!!

Even if there was a cat to be skinned have you reflected on the morality of skinning this cat? He is investigating whether the Russians interfered with the elections and that is a foregone conclusion since he already has indictments here. The second aspect is more dangerous; if the Trump campaign was cooperated with the disinformation strategy of a foreign nation to undermine US elections. These are important to democracy...seminal to it so if it happened it is grave. If it did not then so be it. If the president is clean he would not worry. The problem here is he has been consumed in stopping this. You need to reflect on this.
