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Reply to "Shallyv ,is this your writing ?"

For any country to truly say they are democratic, the ruling party of the day MUST do all it can for a functioning Opposition. That is not something President Jagdeo wants. And the PNC knows this full well since his entire political life in Guyana.

The make up of the Opposition is an Attack Force lead by an Army man waiting on the instructions of his General. And Granger said so, in not specific terms. But he indicated it. And his silence could mean he has had enough.

Guyana has experienced moderates as well as extremists. The last election was a challenge to its voting systems. Intimidation and complete disrespect for the laws at play both within the gates of GECOM and outside its gates.

It was the attempt of a people who felt they have no civil rights under a regime that killed 400 of their constituents.

Doan surprise me, one morning I come to wuk, turn on my computer, go to GNI and read, "PNC faction of the GDF seize power in Guyana." What else leff to do, everything has been tried except Nationalism in a serious effort.

Desmond Hoyte, "our kith and kin is in the army."

The PPP should think their strategies, they are te representative of the Indian population and the British were troubled about it when considering independence.
