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Reply to "Should MI6 have come in from the cold? - secret service with Colonel Gaddafi"

Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by D2:
All the intellectual gems you so gleefully cling to as the foundation of your thinking were seeded in the brains of western Europe.
On this point you are almost coherent. The history of the past centuries revolves around this issue: that the idea of a sovereign republic, which was born in Europe, could not be implemented there, because the oligarchies were so entrenched. So the best minds of Europe looked to the so-called "New World" of the western hemisphere as an opportunity to found nations based on these principles, far from the seat of oligarchical power. The European oligarchy, with which you seem quite infatuated, has been looking for ways to suppress this tendency ever since.
THe point is you calcified racist is that people are not static beings with fixed ideologies so the can easily become the caricatures you present them to be. Europe is no different from any other place across the planet. It so happens that are possessed with a little dynamic social ethos that is made remarkable by their struggles to accommodate change ( from whatever source)and transition from tribal fiefdom to religious states to secular democratic devolved states. In their libraries are the compendium of much that is great and glorious in the world. IN the constant refifining of the human ourlook to life one finds no more a vibrant progressive fermentation of thinking than on these shores.Yes I am compelled to acknowledge what is the legacy to industry and intellectual thinking in the world. What is the fountain head of your supposedly remarkable genius?