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Reply to "Shuman eligible as per Constitution?"

D2 posted:
VVP posted:

Been talking dankey years bout dat 7 years residency thing but no one pay attention.  They all believe the court case was all about Jagdeo 3-term presidency.  Why would Guyana want to block someone with tons of real world (unlike Guyana kanta world) experience from returning and serve the country as President.  I do believe you have to give up citizenship of any other country to be President but the 7 years thing don't make sense for a country that suffered massive brain drain.

Anyway is the vulture politicians in Guyana that wanted this.  Who seh the PPP and PNC kant wuk together, they did to pass this unanimously. 

Back in two thousand we complained against this ruling here. The PPP let it happen and immediately begin to violate the ruling. 

Which PPP presidential candidate violated the seven year residency rule?

Bibi Haniffa