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Reply to "Slave Trade Act 1807 - legal in most of the British Empire until the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833."

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Thanks you for historical information, we see Amazing Grace movie.

Last week man speak at university about free slaves and East Indian replace them on plantation. They must be happy for a new family life in Guyana.

Survey show this is nasty internet website, too many nasty thing.  More positive thing bring better life.

But you cause fight with slave and East Indian, not me. It shameful with student who read Guyana News and Information.

University paper write about  discussion website, also Guyana News and Information with racial hate.


White man Slavery was bad, true.  The African on African slavery then and now was/is much more humane.  Blacks did not want to work on farms so Indians took over the this day!

About your Japanese student who studies Guyana's race issue, ask them about the thousands of Korean sex slaves they held during WW2.  When would they own up as a people?

About the Chinaman, ask him about Tibet and what happening to the Muslims of Western China!

Are you not educated. This is about slave and East Indian. You much words but no value.  You alcohol drunk. 


I have no idea why tola lends out his handle to others. You come on here and criticize a discussion that is probably older than you as a "nasty internet website" and ended up calling one of its regular poster an "alcohol drunk" all because he took your attention to the ugly matters in your own existence. What exactly are you hoping to accomplish from GN&I now that you have already concluded that it is filled "with racial hate"? 

You notice when I throw their shit back in their face they run like runnings!
