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Reply to "So Is Anyone Going To Report American Citizen Raj Singh to the IRS For Tax Evasion for USD $25,000+ Per Month?"

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

We got good accountants .

Nah, you were just making things up hoping it would pass. Caught in your own web of lies.

Far from it. Why should I? Your smear on my character is below contempt to say the least. In the UK we have something called non-dom tax exemption. See

It's all above board and legal.

Nothing listed there gives you the allowances you claimed above. So you still full of it. Furthermore, why would I care to smear your character? I don't even know you. What I do see is you jump to unsound conclusions thereby making a fool of yourself.

I have no idea what you are on about and I feel most insulted that you should insist that you know otherwise. You always seem to think so. What allowances are you referring to you idiot? I am talking about taxable income on foreign earning by a citizen and passport holder of in this case the UK. Typically you go off on a rant and insult people and then try to cover your backside by calling them names and a liar. Well I am having none of that. It is quiet obvious that you have backed yourself into a corner and are now dreaming up things. So explain to me what allowance you are referring to? Where did I mention allowance? Is that a PPP scam that you are pulling and mixing up with what I am saying? Come on. Now that you have insulted me and challenged my integrity I have no option but to demand an explanation of your accusation against my character.
