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Reply to "So it was said and so it shall be done"

kp posted:

Why did Jimmy Carter ran away on election day and did not want to see the rigging. The PNC refused a recount and the ABC countries agreed. Let’s see what will happen when the CCJ ruled against  this CJ ruling would you and the PNC accept.

Please recall that the PPP was in power, so tell me how the PNC could have rigged the election?  Also explain why in a nation with half the number of voters as T&T and 1/3 of Jamaica why does it take  2-3 days for the results to be announced.  It does because there is already lots of counting, recounting and bickering. So why after 2-3 days was a recount needed?  

In fact the PPP tried to rig the election by putting in fake ballots and SOPs and these were caught by GECOM.

I heard the Jamaican results by 10pm that night and T&T by early next morning.  Guyana we didn't know for 2-3 days.  And dont blame the interior.  Its the votes on the coast that always cause this delay.

Did the PNC also rig in 2011, because the elections showed the same results with the PPP winning only 49% of the votes.  The difference this time was the AFC votes were combined with those of APNU.

I suggest that the PPP looks within itself and ceases to blame the world for their softening support.  The Indo population is diminishing and many are frustrated with Jagdeo. The PPP has also failed to win significant support from the black/mixed population.

Last edited by Former Member