Please regard this polemic as an exercise in education and not an indulgence in blasphemy. These are questions that were posed to me and are not mine.
Note- I know Shaitaan is not available to respond but he can email his responses to me and I will publish them.
- Which God asks its followers to reaffirm their commitment to him 5 times a day? Is it that they have weak spirits and need to show their commitment?
- Why is there a percentage ascribed to the concept of blessings, especially on certain days or in some months (like blessings are doubled during the month of Ramadaan or your chances of getting to heaven increases if you depart this world during that month?
- Why is there a sliding scale of blessings for certain acts like blessings are quantifiable and not binary like being pregnant or not being pregnant?
- Why is the current state of development of the Muslim world (being so low compared with the West, China and India, etc.) explained away that God is testing his followers? Or is it that this life does not matter and the eternal one after this life matters?
- Islam does not brook symbolism - no portraits, not exulting of humans and the human form - yet one must face the Kaaba to pray and Angels and Prophets clearly have a higher status to be venerated? (BTW, this is one of the knock against ISIL by Al Qaeda that some dude declared himself the Caliph of all Muslims because he is the direct descendant of Islam's holiest of Prophets (I may be wrong tat there is a hierarchy amongst God's Prophets, even though it is customary to repeat On whom be peace or ṣalla llāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam).
I would encourage other questions and please no flame as this is intended purely to be an academic inquiry.