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Reply to "Some questions on the practices of Islam"

Originally Posted by Kari:

Brother Chief, I do not need to learn about Islam from GNI. I'm interested to hear responses from posters here - Muslim and non-Muslim alike. It's about the responses, not about learning about Islam. These questions are not mine but posed to me - I just paraphrased them for presentation and context.

Posters here are not qualified to answer such complex Islamic questions.

Is like coming to this forum with medical questions, what answers do you expect to get?

If you want to do justice to the person who posed those questions then you should have forwrded to a person who is qualified to answer them. The current Imaam of Masjid Al Abidin studied 8 years at AlAhzar Unversity and I am sure he will be more than happy to answer such questions.
