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Reply to "Some questions on the practices of Islam"

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
How am I mocking Islam? So called religious men have frequented Tropics, do u want to sweep dat under de rug? De freakin masjid is adjacent that's a fact

Btw, quit bein so righteous you were seen havin beers today. Are hajis allowed to indulge?

This is the danger I am speaking about. You are now swearing that I was having beers today all because I was tagged in a picture at Madison Square Garden having lunch and a beer bottle was in front of me.

How can you answer to yourself and your lord for this type of mischief?

How will you liek someone to scandal your daughter ofr a member of your family  name if  they were tagged in a picture  where there was alcohol.Will it be fair to say that they were drinking alcohol?
