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Reply to "Some questions on the practices of Islam"

This thread was meant as an academic exercise.


Chief, I read the Holy Quran by the time I was 10 years old.

I studied Comparative Religion at Queen's College in first form.

I spent some time - not enough - reading the transliteration (not translation which has a temporal context) of the Quran in 6th century classical Arabic with a Bahranian classmate at City University in London, UK.  I was steeped in Hegelian Idealist philosophy as well as Marxian dialectics, and thus wanted to interpret the Quran from a dialectical perspective.


I mention the above because it isn't that I wanted to have people on GNI teach me about Islam. My mother is a Hajjin (twice). My older brother is a Haji. I wanted to hear academic thoughts on questions that people raise in a temporal context - like modest dress means hijab or burkah necessarily or boxy black fully covered dresses in 140 degrees Fahrenheit as I saw in airo and elsewhere in Egypt? Or would the Caribbean dress suffice?


I'm not sure where GT Stingaa and you got into it and you were correct in your responses. GT Stingaaa has as much acknowledged this by stopping the dialog, though his ole ass reference was undignified and doesn't embellish his image here.


So let's see this as a discovery of knowledge.
