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Mercury and the Russians rigged the election for the PPP

Over the weekend, I was given highly confidential material about how the PPP rigged the March 2020 general poll in Guyana. Based on the material I had, I picked up my two friends; one who writes the satirical column, “Dem Boys Seh” and the other who does “The Baccoo Speaks.”
For obvious reason, I cannot tell you who they are. But both do their columns from abroad where they are immigrants. Both are in Guyana at the moment. They came to hang around the Conference Centre to see the recount. I turned a white shade of pale when both told me from what they were shown, they are recorded as voted in the election even though they were not in the country on election day. One is supposed to have voted in Roxanne Burnham Garden, the other in Buxton.
With that information and based on data, I have, I now see that the PPP rigged the election through the instrumentality of the American consultant firm, Mercury and the Russians. We owe Ramjattan and Cathy Hughes a huge apology when we rejected their proof of the Russian involvement in the rigging.
Here now is my investigation and those of my two fellow KN columnists into the great fraud that the PPP saturated the March 2020 election with. We begin with a statement Khemraj Ramjattan made before the media outside the Conference Centre last Saturday. He said the PPP was the most well-oiled elections machinery in the Caribbean. He was right.
The PPP spent almost two million Guyana dollars buying 35, 000 ID cards from three categories of citizens – the relatives of dead people, those who did not pick up their ID cards from GECOM and those who migrated but left their personal documents with their relatives. We visited a farmer at Kaieteur Falls Park who said he was offered $5,000 for his dead wife’s national identification but he bargained for more because he told them he also had the IDs for his dead parents and his deceased brother. The PPP bought all. For that Kaieteur Falls trip, the leader of the mission was Kwame MCcoy.
Here now is a description of the entire operation. In January 2016, the PPP decided to buy the ID cards. It spent about two years buying the documents all over Guyana. In 2019, the Russians bought in a large container. It consisted of chemicals that can make a certain type of false skin. The type you see in movies. Operations began in a large building on the highway at a place named “Umbrella.” The actual building is still there with empty containers strewn all over the place. I would suggest Ramjattan and Cathy Hughes visit Umbrella to collect evidence of the Russian interference.
Mercury was employed to do the technical/technological operation. Each ID photo was put on a large television screen measuring 110 feet. The screens are still in the building at Umbrella. A skin mask resembling the actual person was made. Also a finger skin was made. You pull the skin over your index finger after it was marked with ballot ink, and there is no way the GECOM officials at the stations can detect that your finger was inked. Important to note that each false skin – whether finger or face – had different colours. So if you are very light in complexion or dark like me, there was an appropriate colour
So what actually happened is that after Mary Singh voted. She went at a safe-house run by the PPP. She put on the mask resembling the image of Susan Persaud. She pulled over her inked finger, the false skin. Armed with Persaud’s ID card, she voted twice.
Thirty-five thousand persons voted fraudulently like this giving the PPP 35, 000 extra votes that were not real. Please remember, Ramjattan’s words about the PPP being a well oiled election machine. The PPP succeeded in this conspiracy in all the 10 Regions in Guyana. The PPP was so good that it got someone to vote for the columnist who writes “Dem Boy Seh” right in the heart of PNC land – Buxton.
Gathering evidence of the PPP’s fraudulent project is quite simple. The operators left a lot of incriminating proof at Umbrella. If you want a free television screen measuring a 110 feet, then go to that warehouse deep inside the jungle off the Soesdyke-Linden highway. I guess Roxanne Myers, Lo Lo Field, Claudette Singh and Mingo Mango after reading this will head up to Umbrella to gather the evidence. But here is the scary part that I stumbled onto. Of the 35, 000 ID cards the PPP had, 30, 000 came from dead people.


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