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Reply to "“Special initiative” for 7000 sugar workers fired by APNU/AFC – Jagdeo"

@Mitwah posted:

The discussion is not about Fred, but the fact that PPP was rigging and they rigged the last election. 30,000 dead people voted.

You are the one that brought Freddy article as proof for the 30,000 jumbie votes.
Here read for yourself, Freddy called you [quote] “mongoloid idiot that hasn’t got an IQ had to know I was joking and poking fun at the APNU+AFC election circus.” You should wear it as a badge of honor hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Tuesday, May 19 was a sad day for the Guyanese nationality

When I typed my satirical, funny, comical, fictional piece last Tuesday, I never would have believed the reaction I received that made me sad. It was a sad day for the nationality that goes by the name of Guyanese.
Titled, “Mercury and the Russians rigged the election for the PPP,” the column was meant as satire, sarcasm and a cynical joke on the clowns inside the leadership of both PNC and AFC. Everything about that article was comical. Everything about that article was so outlandish that a mongoloid idiot that hasn’t got an IQ had to know I was joking and poking fun at the APNU+AFC election circus.
Not hundreds; please believe me, not hundreds but thousands of Guyanese believed that the details written in that column were true and that the story happened.Read more

Last edited by sachin_05