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Reply to "“Special initiative” for 7000 sugar workers fired by APNU/AFC – Jagdeo"

@sachin_05 posted:

It’s political thing, your brain is too shallow to comprehend. Why did the PNC went all the to the CCJ the figure 33 > 32? Why did the PNC insisted they win the 2020 election but refused to show their winning SOP’s? Why only the PNC can see jumbie voters that’s not visible to no one else? Give it your best shot answering questions then you may ready for prime time politics...hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Do you even understand the arguments associated with the 33/32? You are a simpleton, period! Stop trying to play smart with your nonsense arguments, they are boring. It was Ralph Ramkarran that first advanced the argument about "half plus one" which is what the law actually says. But you are too mentally redundant to understand. The CCJ ruled differently but that does not mean the arguments shouldn't have been tested. You know nothing about Law and the Courts so quit the pretending

Both sides claimed to win. Have you observed the recent USA general elections? When the votes are close both sides will do that. Again pretender, stop playing smart, the nonsense you post betrays you

Which brings us back to what transpired at the recount - l know you hate facing the recount results. 47 boxes with no statutory documents, dead people voted and the police confirmed hundreds voted who were not in the country - the real finger is thought to be over four thousand eight hundred. Again, the PPP should stop hiding and face the figures in an investigation by the courts
