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Reply to "“Special initiative” for 7000 sugar workers fired by APNU/AFC – Jagdeo"

@Spugum posted:

Reform of the EU sugar regime meant that guyana was put on notice (like other countries) that it had to restructure its sugar industry in four years (a transition period) and that we would see a decline in the price paid for our sugar over the period coupled with some compensation to withstand the economic shock. Instead of going for diversification the PPP went for investment in the industry. The skeldon sugar factory was built at a cost of US$200M - an absolute disaster - and the rest is history

The pay rise issue played into the hands of the then opposition PPP and their supporters and may have lost the Coalition votes but where are those voices of outrage now, they are silent. As, Mitwa, indicated, the dicision can be reversed but we are dealing with HYPOCRITES. That you would dare raise this as criticism of the previous government is puzzling to say the least. The PPP wants people along the sugar belt to continue cutting cane and remain semi-literate so they can continue to fool them into giving them their vote whether they deserve it or not. GuySuco recently reported G$1.2bn in lost canes to the recent floods. How does investing vast sums in such an industry make any sense in light of climate change, high input cost and low market prices

Tell us more about this US type spending strategy, will you?

Rigged 2020 elections by one side is a false narrative kept alive by those willing to engage in cognitive dissonance after what transpired at the recount. That they hold their noses and march on in triumphalism speaks to a sickness in our society

You learning. Excellent point! At least you got that right. Yuh think they can realize eventually that no courts will buy into the theory that jumbie can’t vote?
