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Reply to "“Special initiative” for 7000 sugar workers fired by APNU/AFC – Jagdeo"

@sachin_05 posted:

Using Ralph Ramkarran as a measure of 32/33 interpretation is like referenced dankey behavior- one dankey bray the whole flock

Both sides claim to win yes but one side was using forged SOPs. The PPP plus all observers had in their possession copies of valid SOPs that confirmed their win. Check out initial results column where the riggers use a cardboard box and bedsheet to display forged SOPs numbers giving the coalition the victory.

It was only after the US, EU, OAS and caricom  refuse to endorse a rigged election where the riggers action was broadcast live worldwide, the dead people vote theory came about.

I guess when the petition reached the CCJ y’all gona have Mingo and Lolobai to present the forged SOPs via their cardboard box and bedsheet hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Responding has become tedious in light of the garbage you post

Get this in your head, the SOP's don't prove shit! The PPP stole the elections at the ballot box level

But the game is over now for the PPP rigging machine. Them boys see what they doing, thanks to the recount

The List of Electors has to be clensed and better systems put in place to scrutinise the ballot boxes

Ever wondered where the ROs and POs responsible for the lower east coast fraud disappeared to?
