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Reply to "Squeeze Mitch balls Nancy!"

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Nancy is a smart politician. She knows that she can pressure the Senate to set their rules in place first so she is doing the right thing. Mitchell and Graham were stupid to show their hand when they did.

Funny you saying who showed what hand!  There were Democrats running around with Impeachment since day 1!  There was even one posing with with a pic of Trump's severed head and openly cussing at him!  There Fullah homan said let's get the "MF", before the hearings! 

BTW, why no one made a fuss over her cussing Trump's mother?

What Nancy is doing will further polarize the US and could lead to violence and more! 

The Democrats all came to their conclusions will before the hearings!  They already knew the votes they had in the bag and possible defections, like Tulsie!  Had Nancy not been guaranteed the 216, she would have never moved forward!

So stop pretending it was fact finding!  It was preconceived and check-box!

It’s true lots of people don’t like him but not liking him is not grounds to impeach him. Because of his stupidness, he provided more than enough evidence to impeach him. Trump is a very un-likable person because he has gutter mentality as he did last night suggesting that the late congressman is in hell.
