This morning I spoke with some old-time PPP comrades in Essequibo on the phone. They say the PPP shot itself in the foot with Elisabeth Harper as PM candidate. They say the PPP has handed over Essequibo votes on a platter to APNU-AFC. "Dem boys gon win!" one comrade told me. I had to laugh, hearing a PPP woman calling APNU and AFC "dem boys."
Politically, she brings nothing. She has no record of motivating support for the PPP. How she plays out on the campaign trail is also untested and at this point is is not something one learns by doing. I agree, she is baggage. Even cussburd Anil would be a more sound choice or even Plumpy. This lady is an unknown quantity and by the time the voters know her it is elections time
Note, the PPP are playing with small margins.