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Reply to "Stabroek News Rubbish the PPP choice for PM - what a mystification"

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Ms.Harper is close to retirement. If by some magic or obeah, the PPP wins, she gets a big job with a big pension after.  If the PPP loses (as it would), she gets a job as MP and her pension goes up.  So the only winner in this deal is Ms. Harper.


Would you not go for a deal like that?



Because she is a black woman and she is with the PPP, PNC thinks she is a stupid black woman.

Farouk said it best; the africans in the PPP are immediately labeled and tagged uncle toms because that is what they PPP use blacks for. Other than that they complain of blacks being quarrelsome, disruptive and unworthy of office.


The young will as usual ignore this lady because of her association with the PPP and rightly so.

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