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Reply to "State audit finds major fuel racket at NCN"

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Tola:

The government should rally investigate PPP officials and NCN in R6, regarding fertilizers, gasoline, oil and lubricants.

There was always a shortage of gasoline to clear school yards and playgrounds of weeds, yet they show a  large budget for the above items.

Mutt and Jeff was in charge.


It also seems very convenient that the safe in R6 office went missing, with property transport documents.


An audit might show how they obtained their wealth and invite them for milk and honey  at Camp Street Hilton.     

It has been 5 months since they started to audit the books and unto now they cannot find a single evidence of the PPP wrong doings. 

Who said they did not find any evidence of corruption ?


Rememba Nuff...he used to say PPP De-Nile is the longest riva in Africa.


Jagdeo must be having sleepless nights with the appointment of  the new US ambassador. He still have to account for his wealth. The US already got his two friends Khan and Ahmad.   
