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Reply to "State of the Campaign Post. PPP/C On the Upswing. Coalition Producing Few Measurable Results."

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Some kind of stronger statement from Granger that he is not Burnham, that the Coalition is not using Burnham's playbook, that Guyana will have an open free economy without banning of foods, will not be a bad strategy at this time.

What do you think?

This ban food is stupidness,Guyana is a free economy food

is imported by private business individuals,i see no reason

for the APNU/AFC to make any changes.



It's not that anyone thinks the PNC will be banning food bhai. It's to remind people how how much the PNC made the average man/woman punish when they were last in Government.


We all have to admit that the PNC's tenure from 1964 to 1992 was really friggin terrible by any measure. We can point to some instances of competence or what not but largely it was pretty awful.


The heart of the matter is that PNC rule made daily life difficult for everyone. From breakfast to gasoline for your car to toilet paper for your behind to oil to fry your phoulourie in.


Ironically, the PNC's reign of error sustains the PPP's reign of error because no matter what the PPP has done they do not personally punish the daily lives of ordinary nonpolitical people.
