The openly racial campaigning and bringing up the past is scaring some Indians, but turning off the few Afros who vote PPP. Also turning off some of the relatively larger mixed population who vote for PPP. The election has teeth. For the first time since 1992, I can't say PPP will win an election. None of this is helpful when the Indo population is between 35 to 39%.
Well, you join PNC even though you saw and experienced PNC supporters racism in 2011. Remember, you could not go to any Afro neighborhoods without your AFC T-shirt fully displayed on your chest.
The PPP is not only winning with the Indian population, they got 49% in 2011 after a defection of approx 6-7% to the AFC. Was just on the phone with my GT connections, not PPP, just friends. Looks like the PPP will be returned with a handsome majority, 54% at a minimum. That makes it over 10% non-Indian vote.
This is patently false, there are a litany of pictures with Gerhard and others in what would be considered PNC neighborhoods none of them had on AFC shirts.
Total and utter bullshit.