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Statement from US Senator Roxanne Persaud

US Senator Roxanne Persaud

August 3, 2020


Over the last five months, while observing the situation in Guyana, I refrained from giving my commentary. I have no political affiliation, only a human rights one.

The election results as delivered on Sunday is said to be the decision of the “people.” It is ok to respect the “peoples” decision.

I hope that the political party that has attained power will show the world that they will govern in the best interest of All of The people of Guyana.

To all who posted the vilest comments about your fellow Guyanese because you were on opposing sides, there is no taking back your words. Let’s see how you treat people who are your opposition as you salivate in your victory.

Ethnic politics will continue to stifle growth and progress. Some of you may think otherwise. If you are really about the country’s development, the time for change is now.
As the US, Canada, and other ambassadors have stated, “We also look forward to seeing this government at its outset reach across political divisions to unite Guyanese of all ethnicities, races, and regions, around meaningful progress on constitutional reform and reconciliation.” I hope that this happens. The current United States government, while voicing concerns about possible fraud in the upcoming US elections, said the people of Guyana should accept acknowledged fraud in their election results. Take a moment and think about that.

It’s not about one party or another; it’s about the best interest of the PEOPLE OF GUYANA. Again, if you believe in moving the country of Guyana and the people of Guyana forward, your actions will show.

You don’t have to agree with my point of view. You have to believe in human rights. To those who have been saying “Black Lives Matter,” let’s say it with meaning about those lives in Guyana. Let’s not have history repeat itself.

Best wishes to the People of Guyana. The world is watching.

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