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Reply to "Statement of Political Prisoner Shaitaan On the Occasion of His Most Recent Imprisonment"

P.S....As for Priya Pig. Priya Pig is a Minister of the Cabinet. She is a public figure. She happens to be a woman. I will treat an incompetent, gross, ill mannered woman politician just as badly as I would a male incompetent, gross, ill mannered oaf. We do all women a grave disservice when we treat Priya Pig as a sacred cow in spite of her many obvious political flaws which we would freely crucify any male for.


Women don't need or want stupid women to be given a free pass. This doesn't help them. White knighting is ok for a woman (or anyone) in distress for life, limb, or property. Not saving a politician who happens to be a woman from the consequences of her own bad record.
