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Reply to "Stephen Hawking is dead"

Labba posted:

RIP. He a wan great man. Ow look how dis one white man set up de basic theory foh bring together quantum mechanics and gravity (meh buddy at CUNY explain dem dis big words foh me when meh go Queens NY). Me is one cane cutta who follow me sciece. And abie coolie man and blackman na know what unit cost mean suh dem ge Exxon nuff nuff loophole foh manipulate profit. Dem see education as wan commodity foh be prestige wh0res and tek kickback foh support 3 sweet homans. Dem coolie man and blackman in PPP/AFC/PNC na see am as something foh de great good. Dis one whiteman ge abie theory and dem hustlers, pushers and hucksters in abie govt down deh na know wah is de purpose foh think systematic wid theory. Dem say how dem gat street sense. Dat theory is book sense. Yes dem gat street sense but dem na know wah unit cost mean with all dem Harvard post attendance certificate and online dactorates and street sense. But bai dem street sense ge dem nuff gumpshun foh tek Pradoville house lot and sell am foh 1 mill USD. Me hope Clive Thomas jail some of dem. 

Dis Labba man ah write like Ronald. Some deep stuff dude.
