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Reply to "Stephen Hawking is dead"

D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

An amazing human being was he.  I don't know how a person who was confined to a wheel chair could have known so much about the world that we live in. Sometimes I want to think there is some sort of divine power present in people like this great physicist. I took one class in physics and astronomy.  Physics is not for me. Astronomy is much easier and interesting. Men like are truly gifted. 

cant speak of astronomy without physics.

I know that. When an astronomer speaks of the distance of a hundred thousand light years across the Andromeda Galaxy one must have a little knowledge of physics to understand what it means. 

A relative of mine whose husband (Guyanese) studied physics at the college of London in the early sixties told me about a Guyanese physicist by the name of Dr. Chandra who tried to prove that a spinning top defies Newton's law of inertia. This is what he said. I don't know if it has any merit to it. 

Billy Ram Balgobin