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Stop using social media to insult people

KAIETEUR NEWS, AUG 26 --- I wish to highlight the issue of suicide and suicide prevention in Guyana.
Firstly, I would like to let the readers know that the issue /endemic we face is not suicide; what we face is actually the result of the many things that push individuals to want to and in many instances put an end to their lives. Bullying, naming and shaming, victimization etc are just a few of the many issues persons face daily, and sadly, those who are too weak to ignore find themselves at either the end of a gun, knife, rope, poison bottle, fall etc.
If we want to save lives then we do not have to tackle those with suicidal tendencies (although it is important to offer assistance).What we need to do is educate the populace about the effects their derogatory remarks and selfish actions may have on others. We need to target learning institutions, the home, social media. What is very surprising too is that educated persons – educators, medical professionals, journalists etc, use their social media page to bash and shame persons they may not even know or who they may know little of simply because the individual or individuals are not “to their likeness”.
This foolishness needs to stop, I don’t know if these individuals are complacent of the hurt they are causing others by their actions but this has to be highlighted and they need to cease immediately. If groups are willing to really help potential victims and their families of suicide then the approach of penalizing and holding accountable those responsible for such should be an urgent priority for those relevant authorities responsible in aiding and minimizing suicide prevention .
Atika Stephens
Leader, URP

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