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Reply to "Stop using social media to insult people"

Tola posted:


Do some people on GNI who post constantly, with negativism, animosity and hate, have productive lives. I doubt it.

I wish I have their spare time with my zillions of things to do, I could 'move mountains'.  What a  wasteful and negative thought...

This is why I criticize what you write. It is always about what good you are doing. You plead with others to be civil but deep in your post you indicate traits of uncivil nature. If you truly don't have spare time and can use all the time you are given so you can complete these "zillions of things" as well as help you "move mountains", why are you even on GNI? Clearly your presence here would be getting in your way of moving those mountains. If I comment on the apparent dubious nature displayed through your posts, that does not make it negativism, animosity or hate. It may just be someone pointing out an apparent hypocrisy in your claim. Plus you don't really know if someone has a productive life or not. But your 'humble yet boastful claims of your posts are crystal clear. Maybe you are too old to be able to decipher these glaring trends in your posts.
